Satriani & Vai Bundle



This bundle contains 2 amazing signature amps:

  • Carvin Legacy VL100 (Steva Vai)
  • Marshall JVM410HJS (Joe Satriani)

The Carvin Legacy VL100 is the Legacy all tube Steve Vai signature amplifier. Steve Vai worked very closely with Carvin Engineering to develop the sound of this amp. Exhaustive listening tests of various tube and electronic circuitry were performed by Vai. He also tested dozens of prototype enclosures loaded with various vintage and prototype speakers. His choice of EL34 tubes provide the finishing touches on a truly original amp. Two channels. The clean channel is pristine and the lead channel while not necessarily metal is a solid hard rock engine.

The Marshall JVM410HJS was built to please Joe Satriani himself. This amp lets you plug into the exact same tone machine as Satch does. When Joe returned to playing Marshall amps in 2009, he quickly decided the JVM410H was the amplifier for him โ€“ allowing a few tweaks of course. Joe requested custom-voiced channels, noise gates instead of reverb, feedback that was more controllable, and a more dynamic sound โ€“ and Marshall came through in spades.

We profiled these amazing amps with a Friedman 4ร—12 cab equipped with 2 Celestion Vintage 30 and 2 Celestion Greenback speakers.

This pack provides you a wide range of Kemper profiles seeking to re-create the sound and the real soul of these incredible amps.



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