Analogman Prince Of Tone



The Prince Of Tone overdrive is one side of the famous King Of Tone and was designed to take an amp at reasonable settings, and make it sound like it were naturally driven to pure and smooth tube distortion.
The three modes are:

1) Normal Overdrive(OD mode): This is the standard King Of Tone sound and can get much louder than a tube screamer.

2) CLEAN mode : This mode has less distortion and it can be used for clean boosts. It is something between a clean boost and an overdrive. Clean Mode is even less compressed and louder than the OD mode.

3) DISTORTION mode : more drive than the standard mode. The sound is more compressed but maintain the pedal’s character

This pack provides you a wide range of Kemper profiles seeking to re-create the sound and the real soul of this pedal



90 STUDIO profiles

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